Bringing Coal Creek history
to life for Tennessee Teachers

Barry Thacker, PE, portrayed Coal Creek miner/engineer David R. Thomas during in-service training for 240 teachers at the Marriott Cool Springs Convention Center in Franklin, TN, on 24 July 2017, which was sponsored by Tennessee History for Kids and HCA.  Check out these photos from the day along with selected Coal Creek PowerPoint slides.

Attendees received bandanas, American chestnut seedlings, and Coal Creek handouts.  One attendee from last year shared photos of her American chestnut seedlings after one year of growth.  

Barry Thacker with civil rights icon Bobby Cain -- the first
African American to graduate from an integrated public school
in the South (i.e., Clinton High School)
What an honor for all of us to meet and learn from him!

Dennis Boggs is one of the nation's foremost presenters
of Abraham Lincoln -- Amazing presentation!

Barry Thacker provided some of his American Chestnut seedlings that he grew from nuts
Teachers read the farewell letters of Fraterville miners Powell Harmon and Jacob Vowell --- All of them were brought to tears

Carol Moore and Barry Thacker with History Bill Carey
of Tennessee History for Kids..
What a wealth of historic information Bill has!!

One teacher who attended last year shared photos of her
American chestnut seedlings after one year of growth.  
Excerpts from presentation by
Barry Thacker, PE
as Welsh immigrant Coal Creek miner
David R. Thomas

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