Briceville Scholars Bowl Team Members teach
University of Tennessee Forestry and Wildife Students
about Coal Creek Ecology and Mining History

17 January 2008

A few of the
Briceville Scholars
Bowl students pose
with two UT

For the past several years, Dr. Mark Fly’s Forestry and Wildlife students from the University of Tennessee have led educational programs for students at Briceville Elementary School.  This year, members of Briceville’s Scholars Bowl Team returned the favor by teaching UT students about Coal Creek ecology and mining history.

Briceville's 2007/2008 Scholar's Bowl Team includes:

4th grader: Carmon Procise

5th graders: Shea Hooks, Holley Smith, Katie Weaver, Emilee Hooks, Peyton Jenkins, Shaddy Carroll, and Tallen Roldan.

Stops and topics discussed along the tour are listed below.  Click on images to enlarge:

bulletThe Clinch River weir dam upstream of where Coal Creek discharges into the Clinch River

bulletLenoir Museum

bulletFraterville Miners’ Circle at Leach Cemetery

bullet Fort Anderson on Militia Hill

bulletDrummond Bridge where the miner Dick Drummond was lynched
during the Coal Creek War

bullet Bank stabilization project along Coal Creek at Briceville School

bulletCoal Creek Fish Restoration Project at Briceville School

bulletRestoration of Briceville Church that was built by Welsh miners in 1888

bulletEffort to restore the American chestnut to Appalachian forests by planting seeds and seedlings on reclaimed mine land

bulletStormwater sampling program on upper Coal Creek in Tennessee Hollow


The UT students instructed Briceville students from K-5th grade about forestry and wildlife topics on Friday, 18 January 2008, including details about the American chestnut restoration project of the American Chestnut Foundation. 

Maybe Briceville students can participate in the planting of American chestnut seeds and seedlings in Coal Creek during a future event.  

Thanks to UT Professor Mark Fly, Briceville Teacher Gladys Stooksbury, John Thurman (TVA/Clinch River Trout Unlimited/CCWF), and Barry Thacker, PE (CCWF/Clinch River Trout Unlimited) for assisting with the tour.

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