Briceville School graduate Amy Dugger
to receive $10,000 scholarship

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UPDATE - JULY 2013: 

Lots has happened in Amy's life since our last update.  She married Jesse Crabtree and they will celebrate their 4th anniversary in August 2013.  She met Jesse when she attended Lincoln Memorial University. (Another good reason to go to college!)

Amy is officially a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and still working at Ridgeview. 

In 2010, they purchased a home in Powell, TN.  Since then she says, "We have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Chance Jayden Crabtree. He was born 5/21/13 @ 6:08pm and was 21 inches long. He weighed 8lbs 7oz."

See the beautiful pictures
of Amy's family she has
shared with us.

UPDATE!!  May, 2008

Coal Creek Scholar Amy Dugger earns her Masters Degree!!

Photo of Amy and her parents John and Geneva Dugger at her graduation from UT Knoxville

The first ever Coal Creek Scholar has taken her education to the next level!  Ms. Amy Dugger received  her Master of Social Work Degree from The University of Tennessee (UT) Knoxville's School of Social Work on 9 May 2008.   

Ms. Dugger began her higher education at Lincoln Memorial University (LMU).  LMU President Nancy Moody, PhD., stated, "Lincoln Memorial University was very fortunate to be the University of Choice for Amy Dugger.  It was a delight for me, as president, to watch Amy grow during her four years of undergraduate study here.  Amy was very involved in all aspects of University life including being a member of a sorority and being elected Homecoming Queen while maintaining focus on her studies.   I hope that the recognition and success that Amy experienced at LMU provided her with the self confidence that she can do anything that she puts her mind to."

Ms. Dugger continues to mentor Briceville School students to encourage them to study hard, stay in school, and get a college degree... just like her!

Ms. Dugger is working at Ridgeview Mental Health as a therapist for the ROADS program (Ridgeview Outpatient Alcohol Drug Services).  She will soon become certified with a CMSW.

UPDATE!  May, 2006
Amy became our first graduate of the Coal Creek Scholars program.  She received her Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology from Lincoln Memorial University.   Congratulations, Amy!
The Coal Creek Scholars Program was established by the Coal Creek Watershed Foundation (CCWF) to give graduates of Briceville Elementary School assistance in seeking a college education. Assistance includes direct financial aid through scholarships and guidance in preparing college/technical school admissions and scholarship applications.

Amy Dugger (far left) during her formative years at
Briceville School

Amy Dugger, daughter of Geneva and John K. Dugger of Briceville, will receive a $10,000 scholarship from the Coal Creek Watershed Foundation.  Amy is a valedictorian at Anderson County High School this year.  She lives in Briceville and was a graduate of Briceville Elementary School.  She says, “The part of school life that I cherish most from my adolescent years is the teachers who cared so much about what they were doing.  I had the blessing of spending my formative years with these people.“ 
Amy hopes her college education will enable her to work with others to improve her loving community and encourage other Briceville gradates to continue their education.  “Setting goals for my community is important, but I have not forgotten myself.  Everyone should set goals that they feel will be extremely difficult to reach.  If a goal could be met easily, then there is no challenge.  My challenge is to go against the statistics and graduate from college.  A 1990 US census showed that only 0.5% of Briceville students actually graduate from college.  I hope to win enough scholarships to send me to Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee.  There I plan to major in English/Creative Writing.  As for a career, I am currently deciding between a job dealing with desktop publishing or becoming a Creative Writing professor.  Either way I choose to go, my lifelong dream has always been to become a successful author.  I will not stop until that goal is met.  I hope that by reaching these goals I will inspire others in the Briceville area to beat the odds, graduate from college and reach out for their dreams.  In order to be successful, you must want it.  Success for me would be to motivate others to exceed their own desires.”


Amy, in Kindergarten,
with teacher’s aide
Ethel Aslinger, who inspired
her to read.


Amy’s Senior Picture from
Anderson County
High School


Requirements to earn the scholarship include mentoring current Briceville Elementary School students in the Scholars Program. CCWF’s goal is to give Briceville students the incentive to excel in middle school and high school, knowing that they have the potential to get a college education.  Participation in community service projects in Briceville is also a requirement to receive scholarship monies.

Coal Creek Scholars Program Page

The Courier News Article

Amy crowned Homecoming Queen at Lincoln Memorial University

Oak Ridger news story 20 May 2005

Courier News story 22 May 2005

For more information, visit the foundation’s web site at

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